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Integration of refugees in Romania

The mission of the project was to support beneficiaries of international protection in their path towards integrating in the Romanian society.

To achieve that, we worked on two parallel directions:

•    We advocate for promoting the facilitation of durable solutions through functioning integration policies and strategic interventions for refugees. Our mission is focused on lobbying for a coherent and consistent integration program and on correlating the asylum legislation with the relevant overall legal framework. CNRR advocates by formulating and addressing recommendations and action points for the integration of BIPs based on our experience and that of beneficiaries themselves, which we advance in meetings, conferences, through petitions or accompaniment missions we organize.

•    We provide direct legal and social counseling to BIPs on aspects related to access to education, the labor market, social services and benefits, health insurance and healthcare, family reunification/reunion, long term residence, citizenship and other connected fields.


The integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Romania is regulated by the Asylum Law no. 122/2006 and the Government’s Ordinance no. 44/2004 on the social integration of BIPs.
Refugees and persons with subsidiary protection (beneficiaries of international protection) can access their rights in the same conditions as Romanian citizens, with the exception of the right to participate in political manifestations.
BIPs often face challenges in effectively accessing their rights because they do not have the legal knowledge to defend their interests or due to lack of awareness amongst various stakeholders who work with other pieces of legislation which does not specify this category of persons as direct beneficiaries.
CNRR supports the integration of BIPs by providing legal and social counselling in a clear and meaningful way, keeping in mind that some refugees are unable to comprehend specific legal terms, especially when presented in a foreign language.


Our activity is complemented by advocacy aiming to increase awareness of civil servants and other relevant stakeholders (potential employers, other NGOs or civilians) of the specific legislation and the problems encountered by BIPs whilst trying to adapt to a whole new society. Given the increasing level of discrimination, we consider highly important to disseminate, analyze and fight against myths and prejudices concerning refugees by sharing our experience and individual stories whilst respecting the principle of confidentiality. We aim to reach that part of society which is immersed in judgmental thinking as influenced by a large chunk of mainstream media and social platforms.
The events we organize promote a better understanding of why people become refugees and raise awareness to the many issues faced in their integration whilst outlining the contribution they might have in society.

Project’s funders: the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Romania Bucuresti, Bulevardul Primaverii, nr. 48 A, sector 1; tel/fax 021 2101594; mail:
